

RotopaX was founded in 2007 by a family of outdoor and power-sport enthusiasts. With 30+ years of multi generational plastic manufacturing expertise, RotopaX strives to provide excellent products to support whatever your hobby is, wherever it may take you.
Built on Shopify Plus
Breaking New Ground
RotopaX is the original manufacturer of mountable fuel packs—the ultimate solution for reliable fuel, water, and gear storage on any outdoor adventure. Their products are easily the best in the industry, but their previous site wasn't the right vessel to capture the lifestyle of the target customers or harness the huge potential of higher sales. When they approached us they were platform agnostic, but it became clear that Shopify Plus would be a great fit. We migrated them over from their ancient xCart setup and pounded out a night-and-day design that screams brand loyalty.
RotopaX - Homepage
A Mobile Response
The mobile version of the site was painstakingly optimized for mobile to cater to the huge amount of mobile traffic they get. We made sure the navigation was on point with a seamless checkout process that converts like no one's business.
RotopaX - Mobile
Iconic Locations
A simple set of icons was all that was needed to enhance the UX, call out benefits, and enhance the user journey.
RotopaX - Icons
Product Perfect
The product pages are sleek, informative, and facilitate quick purchases with upsell opportunities to grow average order values. When it comes to finding the right products, a predictive search feature combined with robust left nav filtering never leaves customers lost in the dark.
RotopaX - Interiors
Yeah, there's more...